State-of-the-art track system solution, based on EBS blocks and Trackelast® mats, offering optimal noise and vibration control especially for critical city areas.
In 2022, the newly built western section of Metro Line 2 in Warsaw was taken into operation, including two new stations Bemowo and Ulrychów. In mid-2022, the official opening took place at the Bemowo station, by the Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, and by EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira.
edilon)(sedra are proud to have contributed to this project, supporting the contractor Gülermak. edilon)(sedra supplied a state-of-the-art track system solution, based on EBS blocks and Trackelast® mats, offering optimal noise and vibration control especially for critical city areas.
For project Line 2, more than 30 km of edilon)(sedra EBS track has been installed, including EBS crossroads and double track connections, and 520 m of Corkelast® ERS (Embedded Rail System) track. The Polish Railways PKP have implemented EBS for their turnout bearers too. Based on the detailed switch design, edilon)(sedra Application & Engineering designed the most optimum bearer configuration to provide the right support for the high impact loads in these locations.
The chosen EBS system is well known for its excellent reduction of dynamic loads, low vibration emissions and its optimal electrical insulation. This is a very important aspect in tunnels, which are often damp and wet.
Installing more than 30 km of metro track, including turnout bearers, crossroads, and double track connections, meeting strict requirements for durability and vibration control.
edilon)(sedra EBS (Embedded Block System).
A virtually maintenance-free new metro line, ready to transport thousands of passengers for many years to come.
As an international supplier of ballastless track systems, we offer more than 50 years of track experience and provide you with technical support at different stages of your railway project.
Our departments across the world employ skilled and highly motivated people with years of experience in the rail industry.
Do you have questions about your project, our track system solutions, or added value services? Would you like to work within our company and improve your skills in track technology, sales, finance, or otherwise? Can we support you with anything else?
An achievement to be proud of! Recently, our RetroFit system solution EBS-RF was installed for Metro Valencia (FGV) at Plaça d’Espanya during a replacement operation, where old booted bi-block sleepers were renewed in a few short overnight possessions.
Traffic congestion, combined with wet and humid tunnel conditions often leads to damaged and worn-out booted (bi-)block systems. Increased rail wear, track geometry problems, broken and corroded tie-bars, concrete damage, track instability, electrical isolation, and signalling problems are often found in these track locations.
Tracks often suffer from emergency service interruptions and nightly visual inspections. Taking tracks out of operation is virtually impossible as this involves huge costs. A lot of issues to deal with!
The solution lies in a new system of the edilon)(sedra EBS family: EBS-RF. The basis of this innovative RetroFit track system consists of a durable block with an integrated elastic tray, both prefabricated under controlled conditions. The system can be adapted to any size to fit the existing pocket after removal of the old booted blocks. EBS-RF is supplied as a complete unit, ready for immediate application and quick installation: a replacement period of just a few hours is extremely critical to ensure the continuation of operational traffic the next day.
In Valencia, Spain, the Valencian public railway company FGV required the old booted block tracks of Metro Valencia to be replaced in a short period of time.
One of the most serious problems for Metro Valencia was the groundwater level. The water had caused severe corrosion on the rails, on the fastening systems, and on other elements of the track.
edilon)(sedra Application Engineering was consulted at the initial stage of the replacement project for technical advice and to analyse the existing track and concrete structure. Rail, track conditions, and dimensions were carefully checked.
A renewal plan was created to meet the demands on quality, noise, vibration, and possession times. To keep the trains running smoothly during the day, track maintenance on this metro line was implemented in a few short night shifts of only 4 hours. Implications for the environment and stakeholders were taken into careful consideration.
edilon)(sedra prepared the renewal works, in partnership with FGV and the contractor Comsa. The new EBS-RF system was installed by a small team of people and tools, under close supervision.
The completed installation was carefully inspected, resulting in a watertight, electrically insulated, and low vibration metro track, ready for the transportation of tens of thousands of passengers a day!
Do you experience problems similar to FGV with booted block or bi-block sleeper tracks? Please contact us!
Track replacement in a short period of time.
edilon)(sedra EBS-RF (RetroFit track solution for worn-out booted (bi-)block systems).
The old booted bi-block sleepers were renewed in a few short overnight possessions of just 4 hours.
As international supplier of ballastless track systems, we offer more than 50 years of track experience and provide you with technical support in different stages of your railway project.
Our departments across the world employ skilled and highly motivated people with years of experience in the rail industry.
Do you have questions about your project, our track system solutions or added value services? Would you like to work within our company and improve your skills in track technology, sales, finance or otherwise? Can we support you with anything else?
The city of Bucharest in Romania faces substantial daily costs and effort in maintaining its existing metro lines. Cost and maintenance considerations were the driving factors for the operator Metrorex S.A. to choose a new and durable track fastening system for the new Metro Line 5: edilon)(sedra Corkelast® EBS (Embedded Block System).
In total, 15 km of Corkelast® EBS track, including 10 metro stations and a depot, have been installed in Bucharest. In order to comply with the latest European standards, the decision was taken to apply the Corkelast® EBS in medium stiffness.
In areas sensitive to frequency vibrations, such as the Romanian National Opera, edilon)(sedra Trackelast® STM (Slab Track Mats) are utilised. Trackelast® STM is an elastic mat specifically designed for damping dynamic loads and vibrations of ballastless tracks using “in situ” poured concrete or prefabricated concrete slabs. The easy-to-install mats perform optimally under long-term permanent stress and under various climatic conditions.
The supply of a virtually maintenance-free track system, specifically designed for damping dynamic loads and vibrations.
In areas sensitive to frequency vibrations, a combination of edilon)(sedra Corkelast® EBS and edilon)(sedra Trackelast® mats has been applied.
A future-proofed track system for Metrorex S.A.
As an international supplier of ballastless track systems, we offer more than 50 years of track experience and provide you with technical support at different stages of your railway project.
Our departments across the world employ skilled and highly motivated people with years of experience in the rail industry.
Do you have questions about your project, our track system solutions, or added value services? Would you like to work within our company and improve your skills in track technology, sales, finance, or otherwise? Can we support you with anything else?